Monday, June 8, 2009

10 Tips to a Better Profile Video - #1 Know Your Purpose For Producing a Video

Tip #1 - Know Your Purpose For Producing a Video

Part of a 10 part series based on the presentation given on June 1st 2009.

When beginning the process of producing a video for your business it's important to take into consideration what kind of business you are in. The type of business you are in can be very instrumental in determining the type of video to produce, and how to produce it.

What are you trying to sell? Is it a product? Is it a service? If you're in a business that's person to person like a massage practitioner then an animation is probably not going to build customer trust and confidence. Someone looking for a personal service like that is looking to see that you are honest, pleasant, and have integrity. Those things would not come through in an animation, but they would come through if you were giving a short talk about your philosophy and what clients should expect when they set an appointment.

For a service business that is more concept oriented like security consulting would need a video that does more to explain the process, and establish customer expectations. That business wouldn't necessarily need a video that puts a face to the business.

Another thing to think about when starting the process of creating a profile video for your business is who your clients are. If your clients are business owners, then a professional video directed at highlighting the benefits of doing business with your company might be appropriate. If your clients are consumers with whom you will have a long relationship with throughout the purchase process, then a more casual get to know you profile video might be in order.

One more thing to think about when determining the purpose for your video production is where will you show the video. If you are only planning on having the video on a social networking or video hosting site then the quality doesn't have to be as good as if you are going to be sending it out in emails, or direct mailing in a DVD, or using it as part of a broadcast TV commercial.

Knowing the purpose for producing a profile video is the first step in assuring that you have a great video.

Check back for "10 Tips to a Better Profile Video - #2 Pre-plan Your Video Structure

You can sign up for the July 2009 "10 Tips Series - 10 Steps To Get Ranked Locally In Search Engine" by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, perfect, I am in the process of starting my business of Promotional Interactive CD-ROMS, and am researching, Thank You!
