Friday, October 22, 2010

How to Integrate Video Into Your Social Media Marketing

Courtesy of the Social Media Examiner

If you would like to learn more about how you can use video in your social media marketing.

Give Pardiman Productions a call at 360-259-6672 or check us out at

Monday, October 11, 2010

Owner to Moderate Social Media Workshop

Pardiman Productions owner Corey Lopardi will moderate a panel of speakers at the:

South Sound Success - Small Business Conference

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
South Puget Sound Community College
Hawks Prairie Campus
1404 Marvin Road NE
Lacey, WA 98516
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Find out more about the event here.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ten compelling reasons to put video on your website

This was originally posted by  TONY COLL'S MEDIA

Ten compelling reasons to put video on your website

  1. "Brands using online video have seen lifts of 20% to 40% in terms of incremental buying, with conversions that are twice the rate of other media." (1)
  2. 21% of retail web video viewers make a purchase online. (1)
  3. 26% of retail web video viewers visit a store. (2)  
  4. 21% of retail web video viewers request more information. (1)
  5. Video landing pages generate four to seven times higher engagement and response rates than static image and text landing pages. (3) 
  6. Well optimised video is fifty-three times more likely than text to appear on the front page of Google. (4) 
  7. 68% of the top 50 Internet retailers use web video. (5) 
  8. 71% of Internet users watch video. (1) 
  9. 65% of all videos are viewed between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. (1) 
  10. 33% of middle managers under 50 view work-related videos every day. (1) 


    (1) Chris Crafton, CMO,, reported by Target Marketing at a Philadelphia Direct Marketing Association networking and breakfast meeting.
    (2) BIA/Kelsey User View study data, February 2010, reported by
    (3) SearchEngineWatch, February 2010.
    (4) Forrester Research, January 2010 .
    (5 Internet Retailer, July 2010.

    If you'd like to talk about how web video can help you or your organisation, call 360-259-6672 or email

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    There's More Than One Way to Shoot Video

    So I came across this video today, and I think it really helps to point out just how accessible the tools are for producing video.

    Of course their is definitely a difference in production quality between what you get from a professional production company, and a 4 year old, but you can no longer let the tools stop you from producing something. :)