Friday, July 31, 2009

Add Video to Your Website!

Add Video to your website. Studies have shown that video on your website will keep visitors at the site longer. Of course the content of the video has to be relevant. For an example go to Paprika's website.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 Reasons to Use Promtional Video

1. Video on your website keeps a prospect on your site longer and gives you more time to inform, educate and sell your product and services.

2. In a short 30-90 seconds a well produced video informs/sells the visitor on who you are and what you do.

3. Testimonials in your video can help to build customer trust and loyalty.

4. Video can sell for you when your not available 24/7/365.

5. Promotional video is not only your 24/7 salesperson online. It can also be turned into a DVD that can be used by sales people, send out to prospects and shown at trade shows. It is even broadcast quality and can be used on network and cable TV.

6. It's a great referral tool. When people see your video they will tell others.

7. More than still photos or paragraphs of text, video can put "motion" into your promotion.

8. By placing your video on YouTube and other social networks you become the expert in your field. Thus driving a whole new market of customers to your website.

9. For some products and services a video can show the hard to explain.

10. Promotional video from Pardiman Productions is affordable.

Monday, July 27, 2009

10 Tips to a Better Profile Video - #4 Lighting Tips

Tip #4 – Lighting Tips

Part of a 10 part series based on the presentation given on June 1st 2009.

Lighting for video is part technical knowledge and part art form. Professionals spend years gaining the experience to know exactly what type of lighting to use in what situation, and what quality of light a particular fixture will provide.

For profile videos there are a few key things you can do to make your videos look better and more professional.

The first thing to look at when setting up your profile video shoot is if there are any windows in the room. Windows can provide a nice natural light source if used properly, but if used wrong can really ruin a profile video. First and foremost don't shoot toward windows. The daylight coming in from a window is not only a different color balance than the indoor lighting that will be in an office (That's a different post all together) but it's also way brighter than anything you will be able to provide with additional lighting. Even if you have to rearrange an office to do so you will be better off than if you shoot toward open windows with direct sunlight. If you absolutely have to shoot toward windows, pull the blinds at least to minimize the light hitting the camera lens.

The next thing to look at when considering the lighting of a profile video is the exposure level on the camera. Always set the exposure for the person speaking and not the background. It's acceptable for the wall behind your speaker to be dark, or the window blown out, but not for your speaker to be unrecognizable. (Unless it's a video where you are trying to keep the speakers identity secret)

If you have the ability to use lighting try using a basic 3 point lighting setup. This includes a Key Light, Back Light/Kicker, and Fill Light. Your key light is your strongest source, and should be at a 45 degree angle from your speakers face. This can be a light source on a stand, or even light coming in from a window if you can position your speaker properly. The back light is a a light that you place behind your speaker. This light serves to separate the speaker from the background and should be your second strongest light source. You should also place this light at a 45 degree angle from the speaker, and depending on your options for space often looks best opposite your key light. The fill light is a softer light source, sometimes a white reflective card, that should be placed to lightly fill in the dark side of the speakers face, or to remove shadows under the chin.

These tips won't make you ready to light the next Hollywood feature film, but they will help you make your profile video look much better.

Check back for "10 Tips to a Better Profile Video - #5 Sound Tips

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Social Media Marketing Makes More Money

Came across this article today that discusses the financial benefits of Social Media Marketing.

Check it out here.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Low Cost Local Video Option

Everyone who is in business for themselves is looking for low cost ways to increase sales and traffic to their website/storefront.

Video on your website can raise your ranking in search engines, and distributed on free video hosting sites like Vimeo & YouTube can generate new links, traffic, search listings, and customers.

Even if you are uncomfortable being on camera, we can produce a video like this which is informative and effective.

Send me an email or give me a call 360-259-6672 and I'll be happy to explain just how quick and affordable this type of promotional web video can be.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

10 Tips to a Better Profile Video - #3 Incorporating B-roll and Testimonials

Tip #3 – Incorporating B-roll and Testimonials

Part of a 10 part series based on the presentation given on June 1st 2009.

Most profile videos are nothing more than talking heads in a little square video box. One way to improve your profile video is by incorporating other elements that help to reinforce the story that you are trying to tell. Some of the elements that you might use to enhance your profile video are B-roll, stock photos and video, and customer testimonials.

B-roll is any additional footage that you might already have or that you might have shot of you or your business. This could be you or your staff interacting with customers, video of a particular service or operation that you perform for customers that is hard for people to grasp without seeing it, or footage of your business/staff/fleet in action. This is a great way for you to reinforce what you are saying with visuals and can also be used to cover up any rough spots in the on camera part of your profile.

Another option for adding to your profile video is adding stock photography or video. This stock material can be great if your business is not in an ideal location for filming (i.e. your home), if you or your clients are camera shy, or if you just don’t have the time or money to have a professional company come shoot it for you. Stock material can be a very affordable way to add a more symbolic bit of imagery to your video. Sites like istockphoto have royalty free (you don’t have to pay again to use it) photos and video that can be very affordable.

Everyone feels more comfortable doing business with someone they feel they know and can trust. That’s one of the best reasons to do a profile video in the first place. A good way to help establish credibility in the eyes of prospective clients is by having a satisfied customer give an on camera testimonial to the benefits of using your product or service.
Customer testimonials can give your profile video that extra bit of authenticity that can make the difference of whether a prospect contacts you for your product or service, or keeps on shopping.

With just the right amount of additional material any profile video can go from dry and informative to engaging and compelling.

Check back for "10 Tips to a Better Profile Video - #4 Lighting Tips

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sales and Marketing Roundtable Video

Check out this new video we did in June for the Puyallup/Sumner Chamber of Commerce's Sales and Marketing Roundtable.

Speaker Amy Hedin presented a workshop on developing relationships and referral partnerships.