Nothing helps sell a product or service more than praise from satisfied customers. Just a few positive words can be all it takes to turn a skeptical prospect into an actual sale. A testimonial video of your customers' words of praise uses the power of audio and video to create a very powerful message.
There are many benefits to using video testimonials over other forms of video advertising. A testimonial video connects to potential customers on a personal level and shows that people just like them use your product or service. Video testimonials are also more cost effective than other forms of advertising since they rely on genuine words spoken by your customers instead of costly animations, set, actors, or wilds graphics to sell your products or services.
A great way to gather testimonials is by simply asking your customers. Just send out an email or personal note asking for them. You can entice them by offering a free gift or discounts off future products.
There are three main types of video testimonials that you might consider using:
Professional Testimonials - These are from customers who can vouch for you or your company on its character and integrity. They're great for realtors and other professionals who work one on one with customers and need to build an element of trust to gain a new customer.
Service Testimonials - Let your customers explain the process of doing business with you and how easy and enjoyable it was. For businesses that are selling a personal service or concept, a satisfied customer can actually be better at promoting your business than you.
Product Testimonials - Despite widespread acceptance of online shopping and e-commerce many people remain skeptical and somewhat leery of purchasing anything online. Potential customers want more than just promises from your website or television commercials, they want proof that you're the one to do business with. Seeing a satisfied customer using your product and sharing their positive experience provides that proof.
Conveniently, video testimonials can be used in just about any video marketing piece such as television, web, or direct mail to name just a few. Once created, these same videos can then be used across many different types of media to reinforce the quality and integrity of your business.
With video testimonials you can bring your business marketing to a whole new level by reaching potential customers on a more personal level than traditional advertising. And since it can be less expensive than other types of video advertising you have even more reason to use the power of testimonial video. Check with your customers today to see if they have something positive they would like to say about your business. Imagine the impact their words will on the trust and credibility of your company.